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95 days, 20 countries and 40 destinations
No cooking, no dishes, no cleaning, no yard-work, no laundry. This is about to happen! This journey (Ultimate Asia Pacific Cruise) is considered a geo-segment of the Ultimate World Cruise (274 days) with Royal Caribbean Cruise Line. Our cruise is 87 days and we will spend two days before the cruise in LA and 5 days after the cruise in Dubai.
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We have never been away from home for such a long period of time. We feel a little anxious and we’re hoping social media will help us to stay connected. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions – we won’t be using our phones but you can always post comments or send us messages and emails. You will find some contact information by clicking the button below, alternatively there is a comment section on the individual blog posts. We look forward to hearing from you